A Study of Patient’s Satisfaction Level with their Dental Appearance and Treatment they Desire to Improve Aesthetics at Sardar Begum Dental Hospital Peshawar
Dental appearance, Satisfaction level, Desired treatmentAbstract
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the patient satisfaction level with their dental appearance and treatment they desired to improve their facial aesthetics.
Material & Methods:
This cross-sectional study was performed out among 400 patients who visited the Sardar Begum Dental Hospital. A structured, interviewer-guided questionnaire was used to identify patient satisfaction level with their general dental appearance and desired treatments. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation (SD) for continuous variables and frequency and percentage for categorical variables were determined. The chi-square test was used to compare the age of patient’s satisfaction level with their dental appearance. The level of significance was set at 0.05.
Out of 400 patients, 39 % were males and 60% were females. Mean age recoded was 25.05+10.02 years. Of these patients, 64% were not satisfied with their general dental appearance. In addition, 59% were not happy with the color of their teeth, 51% regarded their teeth as poorly aligned. Dissatisfaction with tooth color was significantly higher in female than in male patients. Tooth whitening was the treatment most desired by patients (45.2%). 51% females, as compared to males, considered their teeth to be more poorly aligned i.e. and was 51%.
Most patients in this study were not satisfied with their general dental appearance with a greater percentage of females expressing dissatisfaction than males. Age had an association with satisfaction level of the subjects. Unhappiness with tooth color and feelings of having protruding teeth also had a significant negative influence on patient satisfaction with general dental appearance.
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