Efficacy of Manual Vacuum Aspiration Vs Conventional Evacuation and Curettage
Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA), Evacuation and Curettage (E&C), First trimester miscarriage, Retained products of conception (RPOCs), Surgical methods of Miscarriage (SMM), Para Cervical Block(PCB)Abstract
To evaluate the safety and efficacy of Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) compared to Conventional Evacuation and Curettage (E & C) in managing first-trimester miscarriage.
A total of 160 patients were enrolled in this comparative study. Patients were categorized into two groups (Group A undergoing MVA) and (Group B undergoing E&C). Each group had 80 cases randomly selected. Stable patients with miscarriages < 12 wks of gestation and no comorbid were included in the study. Data was recorded on pre-designed proforma, and analysis was done by SPSS Software.
Efficacy of MVA was 97.5% and 92.5% in E&C, with a 7.5% vs 30% complication rate in MVA and E&C Group, respectively. The mean duration of the procedure was 9 minutes in the MVA group versus 18.8 minutes in the E&C group. The hospital stay was 14.2 hours vs 20.3 hours in MVA and E&C Group. 16.25% vs 46.25% of women in MVA vs E&C Group reported post-op pain. 93.75% of women were satisfied with MVA, whereas only 50% of women were satisfied with E&C. 81.25% 91.25% required Anesthesia/Analgesia in MVA and E&C Group, respectively.
MVA is a more effective and rapidly performing outpatient procedure with a lower complication rate. In this study efficacy of MVA is 97.5% compared to the E&C group, i.e., 92%. Its safety, cost-effectiveness and efficacy advocate its extended use as an alternative to the conventional surgical method of miscarriage
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