Postnatal Depression: Frequency, Demographic Characteristics and Risk Factors


  • Sher Ayub Dawar, Dr. department of psychiatry, Khyber teaching hospital, Peshawar.
  • Hina Niaz, Dr. Department of gyneacology, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar
  • Asaf Alam Khan, Dr. khyber teaching hospital, Peshawar
  • Zahida Ayub, Dr. Clinical Psychologist, pakistan institute of prosthetic and orthotic sciences (pipos), Peshawar



Postpartum Depression, Risk Factors, Socio-Demographic Factors, Pakistan



The iobjective iof ithe istudy iwas ito iestimate ithe iprevalence iof postpartum idepression iand iits iassociated irisk ifactors iamong imothers.



This icross-sectional istudy iwas icarried iout iin ithe iDepartment of iObstetrics i& iGynecology,iand iDepartment iof iPsychiatry, iKhyber Teaching Hospital iPeshawar 1st April 2018 till 31st March 2019. iA itotal i750 ipost-natal imothers iwere iscreened irandomly ifor ipostnatal idepression ifor ifirst i1-2 weeks ifollowing idelivery iby iusing iEdinburgh iPostnatal iDepression iScale (EPDS). 680 iaccepted ito iparticipate, i70 irefused ito iparticipate iand i504 ifulfill ithe inclusion icriteria. iA iscore iof i≥13 iwas iconsidered ihaving Ipostpartum depression.



A itotal iof i168 iwomen ihad ian iEPDS iscore i10, iyielding ia icrude prevalence irate iof i34%. iThe iprevalence iof isuicidal iideation iwas i14 iout iof 504 (3%), iamong iwhich i11 i(79%) ihad iEPDS iscore iof i10. iWe ifitted multiple ilinear iregression imodels ito ievaluate ithe ipredictors iof ivariables measured ion ithe iEPDS. iThis imodel iwas istatistically isignificant p<0.0001 iin ipredicting ithe itotal iEPDS iscore. iWomen's iemployment istatus, domestic iviolence iand imarital iconflict iwere istatistically isignificant predictors.



Thisistudy ireflected ithe ifacts ithat imany iof ithe ipostnatal mothers iof iour icircumstances isuffer ifrom ipostpartum idepression iand ineeds medical iattention. iScreening iof ipostpartum idepression ishould ibe iconsidered as ia iroutine ipart iof ipostpartum icare.

KEYWORDS: IPostpartum IDepression, Risk IFactors, Socio-Demographic IFactors, Pakistan


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Author Biographies

Sher Ayub Dawar, Dr., department of psychiatry, Khyber teaching hospital, Peshawar.

 consultant psychiatrist,

Hina Niaz, Dr., Department of gyneacology, Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar

Consultant gynecologist

Asaf Alam Khan, Dr., khyber teaching hospital, Peshawar

Resident Cardiologist, khyber teaching hospital, Peshawar

Zahida Ayub, Dr., Clinical Psychologist, pakistan institute of prosthetic and orthotic sciences (pipos), Peshawar

Clinical Psychologist, pakistan institute of prosthetic and orthotic sciences (pipos), Peshawar                         


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How to Cite

Dawar, S. A., Niaz, H., Khan, A. A., & Ayub, Z. (2021). Postnatal Depression: Frequency, Demographic Characteristics and Risk Factors. Journal of Gandhara Medical and Dental Science, 8(1), 7–13.

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