Risk Factors of Protein Calorie Malnutrition Under Five Years; Tertiary Care Hospitals, Peshawar
Malnutrition, Gomez Classification, Frequency, Risk FactorsAbstract
The purpose of this study was to know about the risk factors of malnutrition and the incidence of risk factors among known cases of malnutrition admitted in tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was done. Study was conducted in tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar from March 2019 to July 2019. Study included 100 patients of protein calorie malnutrition less than five years of age. Internationally recognized Gomez classification was used to label patient as malnourished. Risk factors of primary malnutrition including socioeconomic status, ignorance of weaning, poverty, lack of immunization and primary care, maternal illiteracy and risk factors of secondary malnutrition including infections, congenital diseases, malabsorptive disorders and metabolic disorders were assessed. Data was collected through a questionnaire. Tables and graphs were used to determine the frequency of risk factors for protein calorie malnutrition.
Among 100 patients of PCM 59 were male and 41 were females. After assessment of both genders, risk factors that show close association with protein calorie malnutrition were low socioeconomic status, maternal illiteracy, lack of family planning, poor weaning and repeated infections. Among these risk factors the most frequently observed risk factors for protein calorie malnutrition were low socioeconomic status and repeated infections.
Low socioeconomic condition and repeated infections are the leading cause of protein calorie malnutrition.
KEYWORDS: Malnutrition, Gomez Classification, Frequency, Risk Factors
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Copyright (c) 2020 Mazhar Khan, Dr., Irum Naz, Dr., Farida Shirazi, Dr., Rifayat Ullah Afridi, Dr., Aneela Ambreen, Dr., Durr e Nayab, Dr.

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