Acitretin-Induced Necrotizing Sweet’s Syndrome in a Patient Having Psoriasis


  • Karolina Nemeth Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom
  • Anuradha Bishnoi Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom
  • David Slater Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom
  • Graham Colver Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom



Sweet’s Syndrome, Psoriasis, Acitretin


A 52-year-old male presented with multiple tender, plum-coloured facial plaques following the treatment with acitretin 50 mg/day for his psoriasis. The lesions subsided over 3 months. Acitretin was restarted at 20 mg/day as psoriasis flared.  A week later, the patient presented with fever and a symmetrically distributed, tender, livid, hemorrhagic papulopustular eruption and large violaceous ulcerated plaques on both soles. Within a week, the patient developed abdominal pain and distension. CT scans of the abdomen showed segments of small bowel wall thickening. Chest X-ray showed consolidation and nodularity of the lung bases. Histopathology demonstrated findings consistent with a diagnosis of Sweet’s syndrome. The diagnosis of drug-induced Sweet’s Syndrome was established. The patient was treated with a combination of intravenous methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide. Drug-induced SS has been reported to be associated with many drugs, especially granulocyte-monocyte-colony-stimulating-factor and all-trans-retinoic acid. Although very rare, acitretin-induced SS should be considered in a patient who develops pustulonecrotic skin lesions and systemic upset after intake of acitretin.


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Author Biographies

Karolina Nemeth, Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom

Division of Dermatology,
Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom

Anuradha Bishnoi, Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom

Division of Dermatology,
Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom

David Slater, Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom

Division of Histopathology,
Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom

Graham Colver, Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom

Division of Dermatology,
Chesterfield Royal Hospital, United Kingdom


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How to Cite

Nemeth, K., Bishnoi, A., Slater, D., & Colver, G. (2023). Acitretin-Induced Necrotizing Sweet’s Syndrome in a Patient Having Psoriasis. Journal of Gandhara Medical and Dental Science, 10(4), 80–82.