Hypovitaminosis D Causing Idiopathic Musculoskeletal Pain in Children


  • Rahida Karim KGMC Peshawar
  • Jahanzeb Khan Afridi
  • Hameed Ullah DHQ Charsadda
  • Muhammad Batoor Zaman Khyber Teaching Hospital
  • Afnan Amjad
  • Sobia Naeem Lady Reading HospitaL
  • Maha Amjad Rehman Medical College




Idiopathic musculoskeletal pain, hypovitaminosis,, vitamin D, sunlight exposure



To determine the frequency of hypovitaminosis D in children presenting with Idiopathic musculoskeletal pain IMSP).


The cross-sectional research was carried out at Peshawar’s Hayatabad Medical Complex’s Department of Pediatrics. The study duration was 6 months. The study comprised 151 patients with non-specific musculoskeletal pain who were tested for vitamin D levels to diagnose hypovitaminosis.


The age range of the participants was 3 to 15 years with a male predominance of 72.8%. The sample’s average the weight was above the 25 percentile. Hypovitaminosis D was found in 23.2%. Decreased sun exposure was documented in 82.85% of cases with hypovitaminosis. Hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia and increased alkaline phosphatase were documented in 71.4%, 11.4% and 42.8% participants respectively with hypovitaminosis.


Hypovitaminosis D Is one of the risk factors for non-specific musculoskeletal pain but the current study revealed only 23.2% of participants had hypovitaminosis and inadequate sun exposure was a major risk factor for hypovitaminosis.


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Author Biographies

Rahida Karim, KGMC Peshawar

Associate Professor Paediatrics,

KGMC Peshawar

Jahanzeb Khan Afridi

Associate Professor

Hameed Ullah, DHQ Charsadda


DHQ Charsadda

Muhammad Batoor Zaman, Khyber Teaching Hospital

TMO Surgery, 

Khyber Teaching Hospital

Afnan Amjad

TMO Anesthesia, 

Lady Reading Hospital

Sobia Naeem, Lady Reading HospitaL

TMO Anesthesia,

Lady Reading HospitaL

Maha Amjad, Rehman Medical College

Medical Student,

Rehman Medical College


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How to Cite

Karim, R. ., Afridi, J. K., Ullah, H. ., Zaman, M. B., Amjad, A. ., Naeem, S. ., & Amjad, M. (2022). Hypovitaminosis D Causing Idiopathic Musculoskeletal Pain in Children. Journal of Gandhara Medical and Dental Science, 9(4), 58–62. https://doi.org/10.37762/jgmds.9-4.323