Reasons for Lack of Research In Dentistry; A Cross Sectional Survey on Dentists and Students in Teaching Hospitals of Pakistan
Lack of research in dentistry
Research, Dentist, Students, Skills, SurveyAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the barriers or factors preventing dentists from engaging in research in teaching institutes of Pakistan.
The descriptive, cross sectional online survey was conducted at the department of Prosthodontics, Rehman College of Dentistry, Peshawar over a period of six months. Sample size of 780 was taken in the descriptive study and questionnaires were communicated through emails and the response was noted. The data was analyzed using the IBM SPSS statistic version 20. Statistical analysis was done using counts and percentages and the results were further analyzed statistically by the Chi square test.
Completed surveys were collected from 280 participants. Completed surveys were collected from 780 dentists, 40.7% were male and 59.3% were female. Participants’ age ranged between 20-50 years; about half of them (55%) were younger than 30 years of age. Other demographic characteristics of the participants such as designation, work experience, and qualification given in Table 1 were also recorded. Majority of the participants were dentists (35%), followed by senior registrar (10%) and assistant (10.7%), associate (and professors (4.3%). Details are depicted in Table 1. Overall, 47.9% participants were found to be involved in research and having publications. Simple graduates were more in number as compared to postgraduates. When inquired about publication published in an indexed journal or not 22.1% responded with yes and 46.4% responded with No. 65% participants had received workshops for writing papers and only 34.3% institute conducted continuous training programs. The main reason reported for lack of research was lack of motivation and don’t know how to do it. Other less common factors were lack of funds and no professional benefits as depicted in Table 2.
Identifying and minimizing all the barriers in the way of research may help dental authorities to intervene for enhancing research friendly environments.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Shafqat Hussain, Aamna Mansur, Khuda e Dad, Farooq Taj, Ghulam Ishaq Khan, uzma khalil

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