Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Dental Professionals Towards Diabetes Mellitus in Islamabad Dental Hospital


  • Muhammad Jamal Awan Islamabad Medical and Dental College
  • Maham Ishtiaq Raja Islmabad Medical & Dental College
  • Maryam Tahir Islamabad Medical and Dental College
  • Laiba Seher Islamabad Medical and Dental College
  • Muhammad Mudassar Saleem Hitec Medical and Dental College
  • Abdul Manan Shahid Islamabad Medical and Dental College
  • Khalid Mahmood Saddiqi Islamabad Medical and Dental College



Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Dental Professions, Diabetes Mellitus



The aim of this study was to determine general dentists and dental students knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding diabetes mellitus, a major public health issue with oral complications.


This cross-sectional study design was conducted in Islamabad dental hospital for three months on House officers and final year BDS students. A convenience sampling technique was used for the sample. A pretested questionnaire was selected from the previous study. After approval of the IRB, the questionnaires were distributed among participants of the research. The descriptive analysis of the collected data was done by using SPSS software version 20.


The overall results of knowledge of dentists towards diabetes scored high (90%), 80% of the respondents had a positive attitude towards diabetes mellitus. Less than half (20%) of the dentists scored poor in the practice of diabetes mellitus, while about three fourth of the respondents had a good score (80%).


Dentists in Islamabad dental hospital have good knowledge and practice skills regarding diabetes. The attitude of the dental practitioners in Islamabad dental hospital regarding diabetes is also positive.


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Author Biographies

Maham Ishtiaq Raja, Islmabad Medical & Dental College

Ex-House Officer 
Islmabad Medical & Dental College

Maryam Tahir, Islamabad Medical and Dental College

Ex-House Officer
Islamabad Medical and Dental College

Laiba Seher, Islamabad Medical and Dental College

Post-Graduate Resident

Islamabad Medical and Dental College

Muhammad Mudassar Saleem, Hitec Medical and Dental College

Associate Professor

Hitec Medical and Dental College

Abdul Manan Shahid, Islamabad Medical and Dental College

Assistant Professor

Islamabad Medical and Dental College


Khalid Mahmood Saddiqi, Islamabad Medical and Dental College


Islamabad Medical and Dental College


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How to Cite

Awan, M. J., Raja, M. I., Tahir, M. ., Seher, L., Saleem, M. M. ., Shahid, A. M., & Saddiqi, K. M. (2022). Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Dental Professionals Towards Diabetes Mellitus in Islamabad Dental Hospital. Journal of Gandhara Medical and Dental Science, 9(4), 3–8.