

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these errors and appreciate the understanding of the readers and the editorial team. These corrections have been duly verified and approved by the authors and the journal's editorial board.

  1. In the article titled "Comparison of Outcomes of Topical Anesthesia with Peribulbar Anesthesia in Vitrectomy for Unresolving Vitreous Hemorrhage," published in Volume 9, Issue 2 (April to June 2022) of JGMDS, we request the addition of the RCT Registration number UHS/Education/126-19/2330. This registration number was inadvertently omitted in the original publication. We apologize for the oversight and understand the importance of providing transparency by including the registration number.

  2. In the case report titled "Pleural Mesothelioma: Unexpected Finding in a Young Man," published in Volume 9, Issue 3 (July-September 2022) of JGMDS, we would like to remove the patient's name and details. This action was taken to ensure patient confidentiality and adhere to ethical standards.

  3. In the article titled "Effect of Empagliflozin On Liver Enzymes of Patients In Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis In Type 2 Diabetes," published in Volume 10, Issue 2 (April to June 2022) of JGMDS, we would like to correct the study design mentioned. The correct study design should be "Quasi Experimental," and not "Randomized Control Trial" as published. This correction is necessary to accurately reflect the methodology employed in the study.