24 J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
Fazle Rabbani1, Waleed Ahmad2
This study aimed to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in
schizophrenic patients in a tertiary care hospital.
This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the Department of
Psychiatry, PGMI Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan, from March
2023 to February 2024. A total of 196 schizophrenic patients were studied.
After obtaining permission from the hospital's ethical committee and consent
from patients included in the study, metabolic syndrome was diagnosed based
on the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology criteria (2003). All
the data, like age, gender, height, weight, BMI, smoking status, and metabolic
syndrome, were recorded in a pre-designed proforma. All the data were
analyzed in SPSS version 20. Mean and standard deviation were calculated
for numerical variables, and frequencies and percentages for qualitative
variables. The Chi-square test for categorical variables was applied with a p-
value of < 0.05 as signicant. Results were presented in the form of tables
and charts.
The mean and standard deviation of age, height, weight, and BMI were
35.72±13.28, 164.80±11.50, 71.87±13.60 and 27.00±6.96, respectively. Out
of 196 schizophrenic patients, 59 patients had metabolic syndrome, making
up 31.1%, while 69.9% of patients had no metabolic syndrome. Of 196
schizophrenic patients, 106 were female, and 90 were male, making 54.1%
and 45.9%, respectively, of all schizophrenic patients. Among 196 patients,
28 were from the BMI group < 18kg/m2, 71 from the BMI group 18-24kg/m2,
51 from the BMI group 25-30kg/m2, and 46 from the BMI group> 30kg/m2
making 14.3%, 36.2%, 26.0% and 23.5% respectively. Metabolic syndrome
was statistically signicant in age and BMI groups using the chi-square test
with a p-value < 0.05 as signicant.
The metabolic syndrome aects individuals with schizophrenia, particularly
among older patients and those with a high BMI. Signicant associations
were observed with age and BMI, but gender and smoking status did not
show signicant dierences.
KEYWORDS: Metabolic syndrome, schizophrenia, Anti-Psychotics, BMI,
How to cite this article
Rabbani F, Ahmad W. Frequency of
Metabolic Syndrome in Schizophrenic
Patients in A Tertiary Care Hospital,
Peshawar, Pakistan. J Gandhara Med
Dent Sci. 2025;12(1):24-27.doi:10.37762
Date of Submission: 08-10-2024
Date Revised: 03-12-2024
Date Acceptance: 12-12-2024
1Assistant Professor, Department of
Psychiatry, Lady Reading Hospital,
MTI, Peshawar
2Waleed Ahmad, Assistant Professor,
Department of Psychiatry, L
Reading Hospital, MTI, Peshawar
Schizophrenia is one of the psychiatric illnesses
affecting about 1% of the population of the world.1 It is
a severe mental illness causing morbidity and mortality
globally. The lifetime risk of schizophrenia in
developing countries is about 4.0 per 1000 population.2
It is more common in males than females, forming a
ratio of 1.4:1.3 The age of onset of schizophrenia is
usually early adulthood. For males, the peak age of
onset of schizophrenia is <25 years, and for females,
the peak age for onset of schizophrenia is <35 years.4
The prevalence of schizophrenia in Pakistan is 1.5%,
causing premature mortality due to the disease and
drugs side eects and associated other risk factors.5
Schizophrenic patients are at risk of cardiovascular
events due to the prevalence of cardio-metabolic
disorders related to schizophrenia.6 Metabolic
syndrome is a collection of clinical and metabolic
disorders, including insulin resistance, impaired glucose
tolerance, hypertension, obesity, and dyslipidemia.7
Different criteria are used for diagnosing metabolic
syndrome, i.e., WHO criteria.8 European Group for the
Study of Insulin Resistance criteria, National
Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel
111(NCEP/ATP111) criteria, American Association of
J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
Clinical Endocrinology criteria, and International
Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria.9 The American
Association of Clinical Endocrinology criterion for
metabolic syndrome is based on impaired glucose
tolerance, BMI, dyslipidemia, and hypertension.10 The
metabolic syndrome causes morbidity and mortality due
to cardiovascular diseases. Metabolic syndrome
includes a disease of old age aecting 42% of the
population above 70 years old and aects both males
and females equally. The overall prevalence of
metabolic syndrome ranges from 8% to 63%,
depending on age, race, and geographical location.11
Schizophrenic patients have an increased risk of
developing metabolic syndrome due to unhealthy
lifestyles, poor diet, sedentary behavior, and side eects
of drugs. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in
schizophrenic patients varies, as shown in dierent
studies. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in a
study was 37%.12 Another study showed the prevalence
of metabolic syndrome as 50%, while another study
showed a 44.6% prevalence of metabolic syndrome in
schizophrenic patients.13,14 This study aimed to
determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in
schizophrenic patients in a tertiary care hospital. This
study will help us to know the association of age,
gender, BMI, and smoking with metabolic syndrome in
schizophrenic patients.
This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at
the Department of Psychiatry, Lady Reading Hospital
Peshawar, Pakistan, from March 2023 to February
2024. The sample size was calculated using the WHO
sample size calculator, keeping a 50% proportion of
metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic patients, a 95%
confidence interval, and a 7 % margin error. The
sample size was 196. Sampling was done using a
consecutive non-probability sampling technique. All the
patients presenting with schizophrenia were diagnosed
based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders-IV-Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR)
diagnostic criteria with ages 20 or less to 50 or more
years included in the study. Patients having a history of
other psychiatric illnesses, hypothyroidism, pregnancy,
malignancies, and secondary hypertension due to
endocrine causes were excluded. Exclusion criteria
were strictly followed to control the confounders and to
exclude bias in the study results. After obtaining
permission from the hospital's ethical committee and
consent from patients included in the study, metabolic
syndrome was diagnosed based on the American
Association of Clinical Endocrinology criteria (2003).
A patient was labeled as having metabolic syndrome if
they had impaired fasting glucose plus any of the
following, i.e., BMI ≥ 25kg/m2 or serum triglycerides ≥
150mg/dl and HDL-cholesterol <40mg/dl in men and
<40mg/dl in women or Blood pressure 130/85mmHg or
greater. The body mass index of all the patients was
calculated. 10 ml of blood was taken from all the
patients and sent to the hospital laboratory to detect
impaired fasting glucose and dyslipidemia. A patient
was labeled as having impaired fasting glucose if the
fasting blood sugar was > 100mg/dl. A patient was
labeled dyslipidemia if the serum triglycerides were≥
150mg/dl and HDL-cholesterol <40mg/dl in men and
<40mg/dl in women. All the investigations were done
in the same laboratory by a technician with more than
five years of experience. Blood pressure was calculated
manually. Certeza Aneroid Sphygmomanometer (CR
1006). All the data, such as age, gender, height, weight,
BMI, smoking status, and metabolic syndrome, were
recorded in a pre-designed proforma. All the data were
analyzed in SPSS version 20. Mean and standard
deviation were calculated for numerical variables, and
frequencies and percentages were calculated for
qualitative variables. The Chi-square test for categorical
variables was applied with a p-value of < 0.05 as
The mean and standard deviation of age, height, weight,
and BMI were 35.72 ± 13.28, 164.80 ± 11.50,
71.87 ± 13.60 and 27.00 ± 6.96 respectively. (Table1).
Table 1: Demographic variables of schizophrenic patients
f (%)
Age < 20 years 62(31.6)
21-30 years 32(16.3)
31-40 years 33(16.8)
41-50 years 51 (26.0)
> 50 years 18(9.2)
Gender Female 106 (54.1)
Male 90 (45.9)
BMI < 18kg/m2 28 (14.3)
18-24kg/m2 71 (36.2)
25-30kg/m2 51 (26.0)
> 30kg/m2 46 (23.5)
Metabolic Syndrome in
Schizophrenic Patients
Present 59 (30.1)
Absent 137 (69.9)
: Table 2 Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among Age groups
Age Metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic
Present Absent
< 20 years 04 (6.8) 58 (42.3) <0.001
21-30 years 06 (10.2) 26 (19.0)
31-40 years 14 (23.7) 19 (13.9)
41-50 years 22 (37.3) 29 (21.2)
> 50 years 13 (22.0) 05 (3.6)
Frequency of Metabolic Syndrome in Schizophrenic Patients
26 J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
Table 3: Gender-wise metabolic syndrome distribution in
schizophrenic patients
Gender Metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic
Present Absent
Female 30 (50.8) 76 (55.5) 0.551
Male 29 (49.2) 61 (44.5)
Table 4: Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among BMI groups
BMI Metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic
Present Absent
< 18kg/m2 03 (5.1%) 25 (18.2%) 0.004
18-24kg/m2 16 (27.1%) 55 (40.1%)
25-30kg/m2 19 (32.2%) 32 (23.4%)
> 30kg/m2 21 (35.6%) 25 (18.2%)
Metabolic syndrome is one of the metabolic disorders
causing mortality and morbidity worldwide. It is more
prevalent in schizophrenic patients as compared to non-
schizophrenic patients. The metabolic syndrome was
more prevalent in schizophrenic patients as compared
to normal people of the same population.15 The
prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 46% in people
with schizophrenia and 18.3% in normal individuals in
that population. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome
was 19.4%, while in another survey, the prevalence of
metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic patients was
53.3%.16,17 In our present study, the prevalence of
metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic patients was
31.1% presenting in tertiary care hospitals. The
prevalence of metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic
patients increases with the increase of age. It was
shown in many studies that metabolic syndrome had a
significant association with age. The studies showed
that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in
schizophrenic patients increased with the increase of
age, signicantly aecting the patients i n the 3rd, 4th,
and 5th decades more as compared to the young
patients.11,18 Our present study showed that metabolic
syndrome was more prevalent in the 4th decade and
affected patients of old age. Schizophrenia is present in
both genders equally. Studies have shown that
metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic patients is present
more in women as compared to women.15,19 The present
study showed that metabolic syndrome was more
common in women but was not statistically signicant.
Smoking is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular
diseases. It is more prevalent in males.20,21,22 in our
study, the prevalence of smoking was higher in male
patients, and no female in our research used to smoke.
BMI is one of the predictors of metabolic syndrome in
patients with schizophrenia.23 A literature search
showed that patients having high BMI had more
Frequency of Metabolic Syndrome in Schizophrenic Patients
chances of developing metabolic syndrome than
schizophrenic patients. Our present study showed
that BMI is associated with metabolic syndrome in
patients with schizophrenic patients and was
statistically signicant.
This study has an ethnicity, diet, and the drug eects on
metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic patients were not
It was concluded that the prevalence of metabolic
syndrome in schizophrenia was 31.1%, and metabolic
syndrome was more prevalent in patients having high
BMI and old age. According to age and BMI, the
metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia was
statistically signicant, while gender distribution and
smoking status in schizophrenic patients with metabolic
syndrome were not statistically signicant.
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1. Fazle Rabbani - Concept & Design; Data Acquisition;
Data Analysis/Interpretation; Drafting Manuscript;
Critical Revision; Supervision; Final Approval
Waleed Ahmad - Concept & Design; Data Acquisition;
Data Analysis/Interpretation; Drafting Manuscript;
Critical Revision; Supervision; Final Approval
Frequency of Metabolic Syndrome in Schizophrenic Patients