32 J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
Faisal Khan1, Aliena Badshah2, Durkho Atif3
, Muhammad Irshad4
The objective of this study is to determine the frequency of positive fecal
occult blood tests in patients with cirrhosis.
This descriptive cross-sectional study had a total of 154 patients observed for
six months i.e., from 12/3/2023 to 12/9/2023 in the Department of Medicine,
Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar. Patients (aged 18 -70 years) were
worked up with detailed history and clinical examination to reveal ascites,
coagulopathy, jaundice, splenomegaly, cachexia, and gynecomastia. After
having excluded the confounders, a morning fecal sample was taken under
aseptic conditions in a specialized fecal occult blood testing kit and sent for
laboratory evaluation for interpretation. The sampling technique was
consecutive non-probability. All investigations were done from the same
laboratory and under the supervision of a hematologist with three years of
fellowship experience. Data was stored and analyzed by the statistical
program IBM-SPSS version 22. Frequencies and percentages were calculated
for qualitative variables like gender, child -pugh class for cirrhosis, and
positive fecal occult blood test. Post-stratication was done through a chi-
square test and p-values <0.05 were considered as signicant.
In this study, the mean age was 57 years with SD ± 11.27. Sixty -two percent
of patients were males while 38% of patients were females. The mean
duration of the disease was 1 year with SD ± 3.57. More than 37% of patients
had a positive fecal occult blood test while 63% of patients had a negative
fecal occult blood test.
Our study shows that the frequency of positive fecal occult blood tests was
37% in patients with cirrhosis.
KEYWORDS: Positive, Fecal Occult Blood Test, Cirrhosis
How to cite this article
Khan F, Badshah A, Atif D, Irshad M.
Frequency of Positive Fecal Occult
Blood Test in Patients with Cirrhosis.
J Gandhara Med Dent Sci.
Date of Submission: 06-06-2024
Date Revised: 09-09-2024
Date Acceptance: 09-09-2024
1Trainee Medical Ofcer, Department of
Medicine, Khyber Teaching Hospital,
3Trainee Medical Officer, Department of
Medicine, Khyber Teaching Hospital,
4Trainee Medical Ofcer, Department of
Medicine, Khyber Teaching Hospital,
2Aliena Badshah, Assistant Professor,
Department of Medicine, Khyber
Teaching Hospital, Peshawar
Chronic liver disease (CLD) and liver cirrhosis are
clinically and pathologically dened diseases.1 The
main causes of cirrhosis of the liver include chronic
infection by viral agents (hepatitis B and C virus), as
well as metabolic, toxic/drug-induced, and autoimmune
causes, resulting in persistent inammation and
progressive brosis.2,3 Those cases that have reached
the level of cirrhosis can be noted by the following:
nerve problems, male breast growth, Dupuytrens
contractions, hair loss, kidney failure, redness of palms,
lack of appetite, testicular shrinkage, weakness, weight
loss, itching, gallstones, and ascites.4,5 One of the
disastrous complications of liver cirrhosis is
coagulopathy and esophageal varices. When they bleed,
melena happens. Melena can lead to iron deciency
anemia and needs early detection and treatment. Fecal
occult blood testing is one such investigation to exclude
microscopic blood loss in cirrhotic patients due to either
esophageal varices or congestive gastropathy.3,6 It was
found that the frequency of positive fecal occult blood
tests was 34% in patients with cirrhosis.7 Liver cirrhosis
is a major public health problem in Pakistan.8 One
Pakistani study concluded that hepatitis C virus (HCV)
caused liver brosis and liver cirrhosis or
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) Furthermore; HCV
genotype 3a was more common.9 Another study
concluded that cirrhotic patients had a very poor quality
of life. Furthermore, low serum albumin and
hemoglobin, preceding history of decompensation
(upper gastrointestinal bleed and encephalopathy), etc.,
were found to be connected with underprivileged
health-related quality of life.10 Other Pakistani
researchers Ali et al observed that the prevalence of
HBV infection varied with the population residing in
dierent parts of the country. They suggested that
Afghan refugees in Pakistan, drug abusers, professional
blood donors, health care professionals, prisoners,
multiple transfused patients, patients with HCC,
psychiatric patients, general population of some
specific areas like Southern Punjab, Interior Sindh,
J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
District Tatta, Kurram agency, Baltistan and some areas
of Lahore had very high HBV prevalence of more
than5%.11 Although fecal occult blood testing has been
studied well as a screening tool for colorectal
carcinoma, studies for fecal occult blood test positivity
in cirrhotic patients are scarce. Therefore, this study
was done to determine the local frequency of positive
fecal occult blood tests in patients with cirrhosis.
Routine fecal occult blood tests will provide important
information that will help rene clinical strategies in
our general population with cirrhosis, provided the
frequency of melena among such patients is found to be
It was a descriptive cross-sectional study in the
Department of Medicine, Khyber Teaching Hospital,
Peshawar for a duration of six months i.e., from
12/03/2023 to 12/09/2023. The sample size was
calculated using 34% relevance of positive fecal occult
blood test, 5% margin of error and95% condence
interval under the WHO formula for sample size
determination in health studies which is given below n=
z2-pq d2, where proportion (positive fecal occult blood
test) is P=34%. With q=1-p and d=7.5% and
Confidence level = 95% and n= 154. The sampling
technique was consecutive (nonprobability) sampling.
Inclusion criteria had patients aged 18 to 70 of both
genders with liver cirrhosis >six months as per
operational denition. Child-Pugh Score was for
cirrhosis A/B/C (Annexure-II) whereas, West Haven
criteria was used for hepatic encephalopathy.12 For
exclusion criteria, a history of peptic ulcer disease,
colorectal cancer, hemophilia, or Von Willebrand’s
disease was sorted out. Patients on oral iron
supplements and those who had consumed eatables like
radish, turnip, and red meat in the preceding 72 hours
were also on the list of exclusions. All of them act as
confounders and included, would have introduced bias
in the study results. After getting approval from the
hospital ethics committee (vide letter No: 22008) to
conduct the study, data was collected from all those
patients with established liver cirrhosis presenting to
the Out-patient Department (OPD). They were admitted
for further evaluation. An informed written consent was
taken from those patients fullling the inclusion
criteria. Patients (aged 18-70 years) were worked up
with detailed history and clinical examination to reveal
ascites, coagulopathy, jaundice, splenomegaly,
cachexia, and gynecomastia. After having excluded the
confounders, a morning fecal sample was taken under
aseptic conditions in a specialized fecal occult blood
testing kit and sent for laboratory evaluation for
interpretation. All investigations were done from the
same laboratory and under the supervision of a
hematologist with three years of fellowship experience.
After interpreting the fecal occult blood test results in
the selected sample population with established
cirrhosis, data was recorded. All data including age,
gender, weight, symptoms, disease duration, severity of
cirrhosis, and fecal occult blood were recorded into a
proforma. Data was analyzed by the statistical program
IBM-SPSS version 22. All the quantitative variables
like age, disease duration, Child-Pugh score, and weight
were analyzed for mean± standard deviation.
Frequencies and percentages were calculated for
qualitative variables like gender, Child-Pugh class for
cirrhosis, and positive fecal occult blood test. A positive
fecal occult blood test was stratied among age, gender,
weight, disease duration Child-Pugh score and class,
and symptoms and signs for cirrhosis to see eect
modifiers. Post-stratication was done through a chi-
square test and p-values <0.05 were considered as
Table 1: Stratication of Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test W.R.T
Gender and Age Distribution (N=154)
Gender Distribution Age (Y ears) Distribution
Male Female Positive
Positive 35 22 Positive 3 13 20 21
Negative 60 37 Negative 5 22 34 36
Total 95 59 Total 8 35 54 57
Note: A chi-square test was applied in which the P
value was 0.9555 for gender and 0.9999 for age
Table 2: Stratication of Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test W.R.T
BMI Distribution (N=154)
Positive Fecal Occult
≤ 22
Kg/M2 Total
Positive 31 26 57
Negative 54 43 97
Total 85 69 154
Note: Chi-square test was applied in which the P value
was 0.8770
Table 3: Stratication of Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test W.R.T
Duration of Disease (n=154)
Weight in kg Number (n=65) %age
Severe pre-eclampsia 22 22.68
Eclampsia 08 8.24
Abruption 09 9.27
Placenta previa 14 14.43
Prolonged labor 12 12.37
Big baby 08 8.24
Prolonged PROM 07 7.21
Multiple pregnancies 17 17.52
Total 97 100
Note: Chi-square test was applied in which the P value
was 0.9749
Frequency of Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test in Patients
34 J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
Table 4: Stratication of Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test W.R.T
Child Pugh Score for Cirrhosis (n=154)
Positive Fecal
Occult Blood Grade A Grade B Grade C T otal
Positive 16 32 9 57
Negative 27 54 16 97
Total 43 86 25 154
Note: Chi-square test was applied in which the P value
was 0.9935
Both liver cirrhosis and chronic liver disease (CLD) are
clinically and pathologically dened and common
diseases.1 The main causes of cirrhosis of the liver
include chronic infection by viral agents (hepatitis B
and C virus), as well as metabolic, toxic/drug-induced,
and autoimmune causes, resulting in persistent
inammation and progressive brosis which can be
explained by the fact that chronic motivation of the
wound healing response, which is the major catalyst for
gradual buildup of extracellular matrix (ECM)
components, ultimately leads to liver cirrhosis and
hepatic failure.2,3 Those cases that have reached the
level of cirrhosis can be noted by the following: nerve
problems, male breast growth, Dupuytren's
contractions, hair loss, kidney failure, redness of palms,
lack of appetite, testicular shrinkage, weakness, weight
loss, itching, gallstones, and ascites. A fecal occult
blood test is used to identify human hemoglobin from
stool samples of patients by using antibodies.13 While,
it is highly eective in discovering blood from patients
with gastrointestinal lesions, such as carcinomas and
polyps, it has an excessive rate of false positive
results.14 Liver cirrhosis-aected individuals eventually
cultivate upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to
dierent reasons, including portal hypertension and
gastropathy.15 This blood can pass on to the lower
gastrointestinal pathways and be detected in stool,
hence this formed a basis for performing fecal occult
blood tests among liver cirrhosis patients in this study.
In this current study, the mean age was 57 years with
SD ± 11.27. Sixty-two percent of patients were male
while 38% of patients were female. The frequency of
positive fecal occult blood tests was 37% in patients
with cirrhosis. Similar results were observed in another
study in which the frequency of positive fecal occult
blood tests was 34% in patients with cirrhosis.16
Another study reported that positive FOBT found a
higher yield of abnormal lesions for EGD than for
colonoscopy (24% to 36% versus 13% to 26%,
respectively.17 In a study reported that the frequency of
positive fecal occult blood tests was 36% in patients
with cirrhosis.18 Another study reported that a positive
fecal occult blood test was found in 38% presenting
with liver cirrhosis.19 Ultimately, the decision to
perform fecal occult blood tests or other diagnostic tests
in liver cirrhosis patients should be individualized
based on clinical judgment, patient-specic factors, and
the presence of signs or symptoms suggesting
gastrointestinal bleeding.
The study was a single-center study. Extrapolating the
findings of a single-centered study to the whole local
population might not be truly depictive of the trend of
fecal occult blood positivity in the region. Hence, multi-
centered studies highlight the correlation of fecal occult
blood results with endoscopy ndings and any
interventions will prove to be more convincing and
promising in the future.
Our study shows that the frequency of positive fecal
occult blood tests was 37% in patients with cirrhosis.
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1. Faisal Khan - Concept & Design; Data Acquisition; Drafting
Manuscript; Critical Revision
2. Aliena Badshah - Drafting Manuscript; Critical Revision;
Supervision; Final Approval
3. Durkho Atif - Drafting Manuscript; Critical Revision
4. Muhammad Irshad - Data Acquisition; Data
Frequency of Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test in Patients