22 J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
between smoking and adverse periodontal health
outcomes, as evidenced by the signicant dierences in
probing depths, clinical attachment levels, and bleeding
on probing between smokers and non-smokers. These
findings are consistent with previous research that has
shown that smokers are at a higher risk of developing
severe periodontitis compared to non-smokers.10 The
vasoconstrictive eects of nicotine, which reduce
gingival blood ow, likely contribute to the observed
reduction in bleeding on probing in smokers.3 This
reduction in bleeding may mask the clinical signs of
inammation, leading to an underestimation of disease
severity in smokers. The microbiological analysis
revealed signicant dierences in the subgingival
microbiota between smokers and non-smokers.
Smokers had a higher prevalence of Porphyromonas
gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia, vital pathogens in
the etiology of periodontitis. These ndings align with
the hypothesis that smoking creates a subgingival
environment that favors the growth of anaerobic,
pathogenic bacteria.11,12 The increased prevalence of
these pathogens in smokers may also be attributed to
the altered immune responses in smokers, which can
impair the host's ability to control bacterial colonization
and biolm formation eectively. 13 In contrast, non-
smokers exhibited a more diverse subgingival
microbiota, with higher levels of Streptococcus spp.,
generally associated with stable and health-associated
microbiota.14 A more diverse microbiota in non-
smokers may contribute to their better periodontal
health outcomes, as microbial diversity is thought to
enhance the resilience of the biofilm against
dysbiosis.15 These ndings underscore the importance
of microbial diversity in maintaining periodontal health
and suggest that smoking disrupts this balance, leading
to an increased risk of periodontal disease. Clinically,
these ndings highlight the importance of smoking
cessation as a critical component of periodontal
therapy. Given the signicant impact of smoking on
both the clinical and microbiological aspects of
periodontal disease, clinicians need to incorporate
smoking cessation programs into their treatment
plans.16 Additionally, the altered microbiota in smokers
may necessitate adjunctive antimicrobial therapies to
manage periodontal infections in this population
The cross-sectional design limits the ability to establish
causality between smoking and periodontal disease
progression. Longitudinal studies are needed to conrm
these ndings and to explore the long-term eects of
smoking cessation on periodontal health. Additionally,
while QPCR provides a quantitative measure of
bacterial load, it does not capture the full complexity of
the subgingival microbiota. Future studies using next-
generation sequencing techniques could provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the microbial shifts
associated with smoking.
This study provides evidence that smoking adversely
affects periodontal health by increasing probing depths
and clinical attachment loss while reducing clinical
signs of inammation, such as bleeding on probing.
The altered subgingival microbiota in smokers,
characterized by an increased prevalence of pathogenic
bacteria, further exacerbates periodontal disease. These
findings underscore the importance of smoking
cessation in the management of periodontal disease and
highlight the need for tailored therapeutic approaches
for smokers.
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Comparative Evaluation of Periodontal Parameters and Microbiological