J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
Maimoona Qadir1
To evaluate the ecacy of sublingual versus vaginal misoprostol for the
treatment of missed miscarriages in the rst trimester of pregnancy.
The gynecology and obstetrics department of Khyber Teaching Hospital in
Peshawar conducted this Randomized Controlled Trial investigation from
January 2021 to December 2023. Two groups of patients were formed,
according to the FIGO procedure, based on whether misoprostol was given
vaginally or orally. The dosages of 800 micrograms were administered
vaginally to the rst group and sublingually to the second group every three
hours. Patients were observed for vaginal bleeding and evacuation after 24
hours; if neither happened, the dose was repeated.
The groups did not dier statistically (P-value > 0.05). The mean age of the
patients (26.56 ± 5.73 versus 25.45 ± 5.63), parity of the patients (3.31 ± 0.56
versus 3.22 ± 0.54), period of gestation (8.85 ± 1.63 versus 9.37 ± 1.48), and
time from initiation of induction till expulsion (13.68 ± 3.52 versus 12.94 ±
3.45) were similar in both groups. For a complete miscarriage in the vaginal
misoprostol group, more doses (4.28 ± 0.65 vs 3.26 ± 1.23, P-value < 0.05)
were needed. In comparison to the vaginal misoprostol group (56%), the
sublingual group (91.6%) reported feeling more comfortable (P-value <
0.05) throughout the drug’s administration. The sublingual misoprostol
group had a considerably (P-value < 0.05) better success rate (77.66%)
compared to the vaginal misoprostol group (56.32%). Such adverse eects as
bleeding during menstruation (68.33% versus 93.33%), vaginal bleeding
(31.66% versus 84%), and diarrhoea (30.57% vs 59%) had signicant (P-
value < 0.05) association with sublingual misoprostol.
The ecacy of sublingual misoprostol surpasses vaginal misoprostol.
Patients are more satised and respond more favourably to the sublingual
KEYWORDS: Miscarriage, Misoprostol, Mifepristone, Uterine Evacuation,
Manual Vacuum Aspiration, Gestational Age
How to cite this article
Qadir M. Comparison of Vaginal
Versus Sublingual Misoprostol in the
Treatment of First-Trimester Missed
Miscarriages. J Gandhara Med Dent
Sci. 2025;12(1):11-14.doi:10.37762
Date of Su bmission: 28-09-2024
Date Revised: 20-11-2024
Date Acceptance: 21-11-2024
1Maimoona Qadir, Assistant Professor,
Department of Gynae B Unit, Khyber
Teaching Hospital, Peshawar
A missed abortion occurs when an embryo or fetus dies
within the uterus.1 Any therapy, including induced
abortion, should meet the highest criteria of
accessibility, aordability, safety, and patient
acceptance. A synthetic prostaglandin E1 analogue
called misoprostol encourages the ripening of the cervix
and the contraction of the uterine smooth muscle. There
are three routes of administration available: sublingual,
vaginal, and oral.2Previous studies have looked at the
consequences of giving misoprostol and have identied
advantages and disadvantages related to each
approach.3 While no appreciable dierence in the
results of oral and vaginal methods was noted, other
studies showed that the vaginal route was more
successful.4 The vaginal and sublingual methods were
almost equivalent in treatment success rates;
nevertheless, sublingual delivery is linked to a greater
prevalence of adverse drug reactions, such as fatigue
and diarrhea.5 Miscarriages may happen on their own or
be induced. Miscarriage complicates around 10% of
pregnancies and creates severe psychological distress
for the couple. According to WHO estimates, unsafe
abortions are responsible for signicant maternal
mortality, the vast majority of which take place in
developing countries where access to safe abortion
services is limited Missed miscarriage, sometimes
called early foetal demise, is a type when the fetus is
seen on USG but shows no fetal heart activity.6,7
Missed miscarriages may be treated surgically, which
12 J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
Comparison of Vaginal Versus Sublingual Misoprostol in the Treatment
involves removing the products of conception from the
uterus while under anaesthesia, with the administration
of misoprostol, and expectantly, which consists in
waiting for spontaneous ejection.8 The psychological
effect of having a dead fetus is associated with the
unsuccessful expectant management.10 Although
surgical evacuation is a popular and eective therapy,
there is an association with postprocedure heavy
bleeding, infection, damage to the cervical region, and
Asherman‟s syndrome.9 The recommended course of
treatment for miscarriages used to be surgical uterine
evacuation. However, things have evolved dramatically
in the last several years. Misoprostol is the most current
treatment modality. Misoprostol is a prostaglandin E
that is often administered for termination of
miscarriages. This is used sublingually, via the vaginal
route, and orally.8,9 Although misoprostol can be used
with dierent roots, including oral, sublingual and
vaginal, however, a few evidences are available on drug
effectiveness as well as its related side eects when
used in dierent roots. Hence, the present study aimed
to compare the ecacy of misoprostol in rst -trimester
abortion through two sublingual and vaginal routes of
This randomized controlled trial was conducted in the
Gynae department of Khyber Teaching Hospital in
Peshawar between January 2021 and December 2023.
Written informed consent for medical intervention was
taken. Patients attending the Outpatient Department
with a nal diagnosis of missed miscarriage presenting
in the rst trimester of pregnancy were the inclusion
criteria. The research did not include any patients with
co-morbidities, a gestational age higher than 13 weeks,
or who chose surgical or expectant therapy. Because of
the small sample size, block randomization was
performed according to the time of admission. Single
blind allocation and intervention were conducted by a
medical ocer working in the gynae A unit. A non-
probability consecutive sampling technique was used,
and a sample of 120 women was taken, further
classified into two groups of 60 women each. The
sample size was calculated, taking a total complication
rate of 48% as compared to 20% in the sublingual and
vaginal misoprostol groups. 90% condence interval
and a 5% margin of error were observed. Depending on
whether misoprostol was given sublingually or
vaginally, patients were randomly divided into two
groups per the FIGO technique. The dosages of 800
micrograms 3 hours vaginally and 800 micrograms 3
hours sublingually were used. After 24 hours, all the
women were evaluated for bleeding per vaginum and,
therefore, evacuation. In case none of these occurred,
the dosage was administered again. When after
completion of two cycles of misoprostol, the bleeding
continued to appear, evacuation was performed. For
confirmation, a pelvic sonogram was performed. After
admitting the patient, baseline evaluation and
coagulation tests were conducted. Demographic
information was recorded. The patients were evaluated
from the time of initiation of administration of
misoprostol till complete evacuation of the uterus was
done, which was conrmed by doing pelvic ultrasound
for retained products. Total misoprostol doses, bleeding
per vaginum in excess or less than menses, evacuation
of the uterus, and misoprostol side eects - such as
chills, pain, fever and diarrhoea were recorded. The
mean and standard deviation were calculated for the
quantitative data. The age and gestation period were
compared between the two groups, and an independent
sample t-test was performed. Percentages were used to
determine the frequency of qualitative data, and the chi-
square test was performed to compare the qualitative
variables among the two groups. P values were -
significant if < 0.05.
Table 1: Demographic Characteristics
P- Value
Age of the women
Mean ± SD 26.56 ± 5.73 25.45 ± 5.63 0.384
Mean ± SD 3.31 ± 0.56 3.22 ± 0.54 0.057
Period of Gestation
Mean ± SD 8.85 ± 1.63 9.37 ± 1.48 0.283
Table 2: Comparison of Initiation of Termination to Miscarriage
Duration, Doses Needed and Satisfaction Level among both
P- Value
Initiation of termination to miscarriage duration
Mean ± SD 13.68 ± 3.52 12.94 ± 3.45 0.124
Doses needed for complete abortion
Mean ± SD 4.28 ± 0.65 3.26 ± 1.23 0.000*
Level of satisfaction regarding the route of administration
Comfortable 34 (56%) 55 (91.6%) 0.000*
Uncomfortable 26(44%) 05(8.3%)
* Significant at a 5% level of signicance
Table 3: Comparison of Efficacy of both Groups
34 (56.32%)
47 (77.66%)
26 (42%)
13 (22.33%)
60 (100%)
60 (100%)
J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
Comparison of Vaginal Versus Sublingual Misoprostol in the Treatment
Table 4: Comparison of Adverse Eects in Both Groups
Adverse eects
42 (68.33%) 56 (93.33%)
P/v bleeding more
than menses
19 (31.66%) 50 (84%) 0.000*
P/v bleeding less
than menses
42 (68.32%) 10 (15.66%)
37 (63.32%) 44 (72.67%) 0.949
Intolerable pain 09 (15.40%) 16 (25.00%) 0.171
V omiting 07 (13.33%) 14 (21.67%) 0.230
Diarrhea 18 (30.67%) 37 (59%) 0.002*
Pyrexia 12 (21.67%) 22 (35.00%) 0.105
In the present research, surgical curettage was not
necessary since induction resulted in a complete
abortion in most cases during the rst 24 hours of
therapy. The sublingual group had a greater success rate
for abortions than the vaginal group when the treatment
results of the two groups were compared. Research has
shown that taking drugs under the tongue increases
their eectiveness. Similar results regarding the
medication‟s eectiveness for two routes are seen,
according to research by Kapp N, as long as the dose
and interval of drug administration in the sublingual
and vaginal procedures are carried out correctly.11,12
According to Munn Z‟s study, there isn't any valuable
data that compares the eciency of the oral and vaginal
procedures between weeks 9 and 12 of pregnancy, yet,
the vaginal approach has generally been claimed to
have a higher success rate. Furthermore, the sublingual
technique reduces the pain that many women
experience while taking it vaginally. The results of the
study are consistent with those of other local studies,
according to Bracken H, who found that the sublingual
group had a success rate of 73.3% and the vaginal
group had a success rate of 66.7%, and Libei D, who
found that sublingual group had a success rate of 72%
and the vaginal group had a success rate of 63%.14,15
Chu JJ’s study indicates that sublingual administration
has higher success rates than oral and vaginal methods
in the rst 24 hours after induction. Treatment failure
was dened as the residual volume of retained products
more than 10 mm at the end of the rst induction week.
The oral group had the highest failure rate and the
highest requirement for surgical curettage. This is
pertinent in terms of medicine. Similar ndings were
reported in this aspect by the same research.16 The
vaginal group had the longest bleeding time, while the
sublingual group had the worst haemorrhage. This
might have signicant clinical implications. Between
the three groups, there was no appreciable variance in
haemoglobin levels. The sublingual group‟s
haemoglobin levels (less than 10 g/dl) decreased most.
When we examined the side eects of the two groups
the vaginal and sublingual misoprostol groups-we
found that several of the adverse eects were notably
more common in the former. Bleeding per vaginum
(68.33% vs 93.33%), excessive menstrual blood loss
(31.67% vs 83.33%), and lose motions (31.66% vs
84%) were among the adverse eects that were shown
to be substantially (P-value <0.05) related to the
misoprostol used sublingually. These results contrast
with previous studies, like one by Stanuloy J, which
showed that the sublingual group was more eective
than the vaginal group (sublingual 84.5%, vaginal
46.4%, P = 0.000), there was a higher incidence of
bleeding, pain intensity, fever, and diarrhoea in the
sublingual group.17 Schiavou JH also reported diarrhoea
(10% against 4%), vomiting (20 versus 10%), and
changed taste (62% versus 4%). This study suggests
that the vaginal method with the lowest rate of
complications was safer than the other routes, despite
some studies showing the same frequency of problems
for both oral and vaginal routes.18 Numerous studies
have reported diering rates of medication-related
issues; these dierences are probably due to dierences
in dosage, time between doses, number of doses, and
drug pharmacokinetics.19,20 The study‟s ndings
suggest that misoprostol is more eective in uterine
evacuation during the rst trimester of pregnancy when
compared to other pharmaceutical administration
strategies. Misoprostol is inexpensive, widely
accessible, and stable at room temperature. In terms of
pharmacokinetic characteristics, misoprostol delivered
vaginally has the lowest frequency of issues and the
most eective therapeutic ecacy within the rst 24
hours after induction. The biggest drawback of the
research was that the patient knew the treatment plan,
making it impossible to keep the inquiry blind.
However, the main advantage of this research was its
relatively large sample size, which produced more
precise and impactful ndings. Another interesting
aspect of this research that makes a variety of outcomes
in dierent ways is a comparison of the two methods of
misoprostol administration.
This study has several limitations. First, the sample size
may not be large enough to generalize the ndings to
all populations. The study was conducted in a single
center, which could introduce institutional biases and
limit the external validity of the results. Additionally,
the trial only evaluated the immediate eects of
misoprostol, without considering long-term outcomes
or potential complications. The use of subjective
measures, such as patient comfort and satisfaction, may
be inuenced by individual perceptions, and the study
14 J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
Midterm Follow-up of Tlif in Single-Level Lumbar Disc
January - March 2025
did not account for potential confounding factors like
comorbidities or prior pregnancies.
Sublingual misoprostol is a more successful medication
than vaginal misoprostol for treating missed
miscarriages in the rst trimester. Patients reported
improved outcomes and higher levels of satisfaction
with the sublingual method. The sublingual approach
has been shown to have a more signicant possibility of
adverse eects, such as vaginal haemorrhage, blood
loss in excess of menses, and loose motions, but
patients react more positively and are more happy with
it. It oers safe, ecient, and socia lly acceptable
abortion treatment in environments with and without
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1. Maimoona Qadir - Concept & Design; Data Acquisition; Data
Analysis/Interpretation; Drafting Manuscript; Critical
Revision; Supervision; Final Approval
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