J Gandhara Med Dent Sci
January - March 2025
Due to a lack of national data, it’s not possible to
compare all studied variables with local studies. Yearly
academic performance wasn’t recorded in the present
study, which would reect the more precise academic
performance and correlation with the use of a precise
textbook. The study is single-centered. The study didn’t
assess the use and accessibility of electronic devices
and the capability of using a virtual learning
management system (LMS). Further behavioral studies
are needed to be conducted especially on females to
improve academic abilities.
The majority of house ocers used the textbooks of
international authors in the rst 3 years of graduation as
a standard primary book but here after many preferred
the books of local authors. In medical professionals the
use of electronic media to achieve the goal is common
but the eect on academics is not productive. Female
students prefer electronic media as compared to males.
The academic capabilities are poor in females as
compared to male students.
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1. Tauqir Ahmad - Concept & Design; Supervision
2. Mohsin Khan - Data Analysis/Interpretation; Final Approval
3. Niama Khan - Critical Revision
4. Iqra Jadoon - Drafting Manuscript
5. Sultan Wahab - Data Acquisition
6. Sehl Asher- Data Acquisition
7. Hameed Ur Rahman - Data Acquistion
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A Five-Year Trend of Medical Books among House Officers